Authentically Me

Understand yourself, align your values, live your authentic life

I am always excited to share things I am passionate about. Whether thoughts I have about mental wellness, products that are great and give back, books I’m finding relevant, podcasts that strike a chord, or on that note music that speaks to my soul, this space is dedicated to things that align with my values and speak to my authentic self. I believe everything I share and some products I have developed an affiliation with. For these products (marked with an asterisk*) if you click on the link and order I get a few dollars for my travel jar, but you don’t pay any extra and in some cases you get a percentage off too!

Take a moment or two, scroll through and check out the links below. If you’re interested in following my blog, click on the Sign Up button to be notified of new blog posts as they come out. Take a deep inhalation and a long exhalation and enjoy…

✨moment✨drink your meditation✨

✨moment✨drink your meditation✨

I fell in love with *Moment drinks when a friend, and fellow therapist, shared one with me. I love blended flavors, sparkling fizzy waters, and botanical adaptogens that nourish my brain! And then I learned that 1% of all sales goes to mental health non-profits! Too good to not share! Check out their products (they go way beyond my favorite sparkling plum ginseng) and their mission and if you order, use my code to get 15% off your order!


Top of the Book Pile
